Japanese style hand care

Le soin des mains à la Japonaise

Hands are one of the most visible and solicited parts of our body, whether for daily gestures like holding chopsticks and typing on a keyboard or more ceremonial actions like serving tea or giving a gift.

For the Japanese, hand hygiene and careful maintenance of hands and nails are just as important, if not more, than facial care. It’s a symbol that reflects cleanliness and delicacy in a person.

While some Japanese display ultra-colorful manicures with nail art, extensions, and gel, many, including men, stick to a regular care routine for their nails and hands.

In this article, we share some simple tips to maintain your hands in a subtle way.

1. Clean and trim your nails regularly

Clean and trim

To limit the spread of bacteria and other germs, make it a habit to clean under your nails morning and night with a soft brush and soap. Then, rather than cutting your nails very short when they get too long, trim them regularly so that they’re always at the ideal length (just under the fingertip).

This KOBAKO nail clipper, designed by the ingenious Kiho Watanabe, has an adjustable stopper that allows you to trim 1 or 2 mm uniformly, depending on your preference.

Japanese SUWADA nail clippers are renowned worldwide for their exceptional cutting performance. The curved blades are unique in the world and allow for a perfectly clean cut through the three layers of keratin in the nail. The smooth finish requires no filing after cutting.

Coupe-ongles ajustable KOBAKO Coupe-ongles ajustable KOBAKO
Coupe-ongles ajustable pour une manucure japonaise.
coupe ongle ajustable kobako Coupe-ongles ajustable KOBAKO
Coupe-ongles ajustable pour une manucure japonaise.
Classic handcrafted nail clipper
High-quality, handcrafted nail clipper from Japan.

Shape the form

Optionally, you can then use a nail file to adjust the desired shape and prevent your nails from splitting.

Two tips from nailist Kiho Watanabe for proper filing:

  • Avoid pushing the file on your nails or making back-and-forth motions, as this weakens the nail. It’s better to pull the file toward you in one direction.
  • Hold the file at a 45° angle to your nails for a square shape, and at 20° for an oval shape. To make shaping easier, Kiho Watanabe collaborated with KOBAKO to create these prismatic nail files at 45° or 20° to achieve the desired shape effortlessly and without technique!
lime carrée kobako Lime 45° forme carrée KOBAKO
Lime à ongles carrée pour manucure japonaise.
Lime à ongles carré noire numéro 1
lime ovale kobako Lime 20° forme ovale KOBAKO
Lime à ongles ovale pour manucure japonaise.
Lime à ongles ovale rose numéro 1

2. Take care of your nail base

Push back and maintain cuticles

To elongate their hands and enhance the elegance of their gestures, the Japanese have a little secret: pushing back the cuticles. By removing excess keratin and dry cuticles that accumulate around the nail, they achieve a clean base that visually elongates the nails and gives a well-groomed appearance to the hands.

  • Daily care: hydrate the base of your nails twice a day with a rich oil in a roll-on format. Nail oil has an emollient effect on cuticles, preventing or softening their appearance. It’s also an excellent treatment for nails lacking strength and flexibility, providing nutrients right from the matrix.
  • Weekly method: if cuticles persist, soak your fingers for a few minutes to soften them, then use a cuticle pusher to gently push the cuticles back from the tip of the nail toward the base

Each SUWADA cuticle nipper is meticulously handcrafted by local artisans. The curved handles fit the palm of the hand, ensuring comfortable use and easy action.

3. Smooth the surface of your nails

Natural nails

If you want to keep your nails natural, use a buffer as the final step to even out the surface of your nails. After using the two rougher sides of the buffer (which remove dead skin and smooth out the nail scales), apply your oil or a balm. Then use the other two sides in sequence to make them shine.

Polished nails

If you want to polish your nails, use the two rougher sides of the buffer to prepare the nail, smooth out any irregularities, and allow for better adhesion of your polish. Before applying the base coat, rinse or brush your nails and the surrounding skin to remove dirt, dead skin, and any remaining impurities from buffing and filing.

4. Take care of your hands

Frequently washed, exposed to UV rays and small scratches, hands are, for the Japanese, an indicator of the passage of time that must be regularly cared for in order to age gracefully.

They regularly massage their hands with a cream or lotion to help maintain the skin's radiance and elasticity while accelerating its regeneration.

Daily care: hydrate the base of your nails twice a day with a rich oil, preferably in roll-on format. Nail oil has an emollient effect on the cuticles, preventing their formation or reducing their appearance. It’s also an excellent treatment for nails that lack strength and flexibility, as it provides nutrients directly to the nail matrix.

Weekly method: if cuticles persist, soak your fingers for a few minutes to soften them, then use a cuticle pusher, moving from the tip of the nail towards its base.

+++ You can also use a cuticle nipper to trim dead or excess cuticles around the nails for a neat appearance after pushing them back.